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 Persian Rugs


We have a pair of small but perfectly formed  early 20th century Persian country house rugs, each with good colours and a well-balanced design. Cleaned and conserved, ready-for-use.


Rug 1 



Width : 88cm Length: 106cm

Period:Early c. 20th 

Material:Wool, hand woven

Country of Origin: Persia, Afghan borders

Condition: Good for age

Colour: Blue Orange, white on a red ground.



A lovely example it incorporates many beautiful design elements, motifs and symbols in its central medallions and field.


Roses and  rose bush  – White: Innocence; Red: Passion; General: Mystery

Bird – Faith, Fertility

Snakes  – Guardian, Wisdom

men figures – weaver

Pomegranate – Fertility

Leaf – Endless Regeneration



Rug 2 


Width: 82cm

Length: 94cm

Period: Early c.20th 

Material:Wool, hand woven 

Country of Origin; Turkey, Anatolian

Condition: Good, for age

Colour: Blue salmon pink, pink, brown, green, on a cream ground.


Another individual rug it incorporating a number of beautiful design elements, motifs and symbols in its central medalians and field.


Nazarlik - Evil Eye

A motif used to reduce the effect of the evil glance, which is believed to be a power possessed by some people that cause harm, injury, misfortune and even death.


Yildiz - Star

A rug motif used to express happiness and fertility, based on the fact that the size pointed star, generally known as the Soloman's Seal, is used to symbolise the womb of the mother goddess figurines. 


Muska - Amulet

A rug motif in the shape of written charms which are believed to have  magical and religious powers to protect the possessor from dangerous external factors and generally placed in triangular cases.


Each of the three central Gul (medallions) have the Yildiz Star. 


The border design exudes even more happiness good luck on its owner with both Yidiz and amulets.



 £145 each 


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